
Catherine Fernandez-Murphy has 15 years of Human Resources, Corporate Recruitment and Career Planning experience. She has advised management on employment recruitment, performance management and retention strategies, on competency based interviews and the selection process and thoroughly enjoys sharing the inside story with the clients that she advises.

She’s the former Assistant Vice President and Human Resources Manager at Chubb and Son, Inc. in Boston. Her experience in that position and her Human Resources work at Lockheed Martin in Washington, DC, American Broadcasting Companies, Inc. (ABC) and Newsweek Magazine in New York gives her the competitive edge to know what corporations look for in recruiting, selecting, training and the development of new hires. She has mentored many people through the years and one thing stays consistent: she values each relationship and works to build long-term success.

As Manager of Career Planning and Corporate Recruitment at Northeastern University, she advised students on writing resumes, crafting cover letters, interviewing techniques and negotiating compensation packages. Her work increased placement rates and helped raise average starting salaries by 45 percent.

Her undergraduate degree is in Personnel and Industrial Relations from American University in Washington, DC, and her graduate degree is in Administrative Management from Boston College. Her educational and employment experience encompasses the knowledge needed to help today’s job seekers.

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